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Buzz like Bees

The beautiful bee hives that we see, and the sweetness of honey that we experience in our lives is a result of massive collaboration and cooperation among honeybees. We cannot stop marveling at the beauty and intricacy of the hexagonal beehive. Worker bees diligently work to build and expand these commendable structures. Did you know that the size of the cell for queen bee to lay egg is bigger than the other cells? And worker bees maintain the ratio of these cells.

Every year after the mating period, honeybees face the problem of over-crowding. Swarms send out scout bees to look for potential hive sites. Scout bees come back and announce their excitement about the new location with a waggle dance. Swarms decide on the new site by revisiting these short-listed sites, and building a consensus on the new location, a commendable example of democracy and collaboration.

20 percent of foragers are responsible for 50 percent foraging in the hives. If these productive workers are removed, the information spreads like a fire in the hive, and the younger bees stand up to deliver more. The foragers collaborate to communicate information about good pollen and nectar sites benefiting the entire hive. Honeybees understand that being in a colony enables them to multiply their effect and achieve exceptional results.

Be like bees, work hard, help others, pollinate ideas, and prosper.

Fun Fact - In the US, each bee pollinates 19 cents worth of almonds, but the entire population of bees together contributes $ 2 billion to the economy.

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